How to

Here are Neil Scobie's plans for a beautiful stand-alone cabinet with drawers for housing jewellery or collectibles.

Curved furniture meister Darren Oates shares his techniques for designing and making customised gluing-up cauls.

Restoring an old handplane can be satisfying and save money, and knowing how to tune it will get superb results.

Iain Green shows how to make a traditional hira-kanna plane in Japanese oak.

Handmade door catches add character and are very functional, giving a crisp wooden sound when doors are opened and closed.

Here’s a full overview of the design and build of the Modern Lounger made from walnut by Shane Mitchell.

Using drawknives, saws, mallets and hoop drivers, here are two demonstrations of traditional coopering that affirm the efficiency of hand skills.

Charles Mak makes a set of six dining chairs based on Tage Frid’s iconic three-legged stool design.

Figure in wood

Wood scientist Jugo Ilic explains how figure in wood is created from five general factors.

Iain Green demonstrates Japanese sashimono techniques for precision boxmaking using hand tools only.

UK fine furniture and toolmaker David Barron makes a dovetailed box.

Sharpen in 5 steps

Follow these rules and your tools will be razor sharp. Tips from Robert Howard.

With angled and tapered legs, this dining table presents a few joinery challenges which can easily be overcome.

Learn the technique required to make this simple box form and you can then create your own designs.

Knowing how to process the raw material takes experience. Many beginners think they have to get the biggest, as opposed to the best blank possible.

David Lim shows how to build a customised presentation case for the finest whisky.