Michael Cheshire: Impossible figures and unique illusions
Brisbane wood artist Michael Cheshire has had a fascination for drawing geometrical imagery since the 70s. CAD and wood veneers has allowed him to take his interest a lot further since then. An exhibition of his work will open soon on March 10 and run until April 5, 2024 in Brisbane.
Michael Cheshire’s Brisbane workshop
Michael uses the tonal properties of mainly local woods to create his optical art illusions. Small pieces of veneer are scroll sawn and fitted together before gluing to MDF. Michael uses 12mm thick MDF and veneers the back and sides to match the design on the front.
‘I get great effects with Qld walnut and silver ash’, he said, and oftens combines these with Qld maple to get a ‘cubic effect’. ‘My pictures are all my own designs and some of my work can be seen at the Royal Brisbane Women’s and Stars Hospitals.’
The Straggler
‘Out of the Woods will be my first major exhibition and will have a range of my work from the last 15 years’, he explains. ‘It’s all about “unique illusions and impossible figures” brought to life with simplicity, symmetry and a little nonsense.’
The exhibition opening is March 10, 12–2pm at The Loft Gallery and Coffee House, 136 Sutton Street, Redcliffe, Qld.
Learn more about Michael’s work at https://woodenart.com.au/