‘Disability doesn’t mean you can “dis” my ability’, says blind woodturner Christopher Fisher

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‘Disability doesn’t mean you can “dis” my ability’, says blind woodturner Christopher Fisher.

Christopher Fisher went blind a decade ago from a retinal infection that rendered him blind in the space of just four weeks.

He grieved for his loss of vision but then focused on becoming ‘expert in being blind’ and soon after took up woodturning. To the amazement of many, he works at the lathe in the manner of a sighted woodturner. ‘Don’t label me’, says Chris to any detractors, ‘I’ll just go out of my way to prove them wrong!’ And it’s not always about disability he says, ‘People from all walks of life can be going through tough times. I just want them to get straight back in the saddle, grab life by the seat of the pants and carry on.’

What a legend this man is and what an inspirational video from BBC Reel.

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